

Black Cat is John's favorite cat.
Black Cat likes to take naps with John.


Tammie's Thoughts said...

Thanks for updating your blog for me...Black cat must have some special feeling for John...I didn't think Black Cat really liked anybody.

I'm getting ready to take Joe back for the 3rd of his evalutation days. I hope to get some studying done while I am waiting on him!

john/laura said...

black cat has pretty much become john's cat. he still sits in my lap sometimes, but if he has the choice to sit in john's lap, he will. john puts his arms around black cat and then black cat looks up at him with this expression i've never seen him give to anyone, like he's calm and happy. it's very cute.

i think black cat feels so affectionate towards john because john evens out the power struggle between him and gray cat. gray cat's instinct is to eat black cat's food and push black cat around, and john keeps gray cat from doing that as much as he used to.

the topic of our cats is endlessly fascinating! ha

Tammie's Thoughts said...

Thanks for your comments back to me---it's almost as good as talking to you! It's past 11:00 and I have got to go put this body in bed. Good night, sleep tight and I love you.

all about our milkshakes

My photo
we like to go the park, play, go to crema for treats, and to have fun.