We have to amuse ourselves while packing. The fumes from cardboard boxes can have seriously adverse affects to [sic] our mood.
As a diversion, we spontaneously extemporaneously catatonicalazically came up with some new lyrics to the song "You're every woman in the world to me" by the band Air Supply.

You're every cetacean* in the world to me,
You're my manatee,
You're Shamu's baby...
You're every cetacean in the world to me...
*cetacean-An aquatic mammal of the order Cetacea, including whales, porpoises and dolphins. (http://www.acsonline.org/factpack/glossary.html)

wow, those lyrics are snappy!
I used to really like Air Supply, but I've never heard of that song before...Where did you come up with it?
And about the Ann Arbor post, I didn't realize that it was a the back of a crazy guy in the photo...I thought it had something to do with the sign in the background. I agree that God probably didn't send the lunatic man...but who knows?
Come now, surely you've heard "You're Every Woman in the World to Me," right? We just made up a few new words to the tune.
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