we had a great time.
we ordered a pizza. then we went to a party thrown by someone that craig works with at the Olive Garden.
one of craig's friends talked us into playing spades- he said, only one hand, then we'll quit. because we didn't want to stay that long, and spades can take a long time. because there was only supposed to be one hand, i didn't bother making sure we spelled out and agreed on all the rules.
well, needless to say, more than one hand was played. on about the third hand, i decided to go nill. my partner, this girl who has a crush on craig, bid five. it seemed safe. well, at the end of the hand, i hadn't won any tricks, but she only won four tricks. i was like, ok, at least we got ten points. then i saw craigs friend write "-50" on our side of the score sheet. i reminded him that i went nil and he should take account of that. he said that because our team went set, i didn't get the nil points. i don't know where he learned rules for spades, and i didn't want to get into a fight with him because he was craig's friend, so we just left.
It'a a good thing your dad wasn't there...he takes his spedes really seriously and I'm afraid he would have embarrassed you over that rule...I can hardly believe that you let him get by with it you are such a little card shark, yourself, Laura!
i think one reason i didn't challenge this guy was when he sat down at the table, he said, "I bet you've never hung out with someone who's a felon."
John and I said that we had.
Then this guy said, "a multiple felon?"
I think we were kind of on his bad side already for not giving him some respect for being a multiple felon. I didn't want to irritate him even more over a lousy game of cards.
so he's proud that he's a multple felon? Sounds like he's got his priorites all mixed up to me!
Joe, Luke, and Dad are gone to float the Ocoee with John French and
buddy Jones this weekend. I'm enjoying the quite at home!
that is wack. felon or not, single or multiple, rules are rules! at least you guys didn't get stabbed or anything...
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