This picture was taken a few weeks ago. I like it because it shows Gray Cat sitting in the chair by the table. He likes to be a part of the fun, even in the kitchen. Maybe I should say especially in the kitchen... just in case someone pours a little milk.
We have stopped giving the kittens milk to try to keep them from begging for it and climbing on top of things in order to get to open containers of it.
This is Gray Cat with the mouse.

The mouse is just some pieces of fabric shaped like a mouse. There is a pouch inside for catnip. If the mouse is in a different "room" of the apartment than the one we are in, the kittens like to pick up the mouse in their mouth and bring it to us. They meow loudly when they do this, to get our attention... I guess to show us what sweet treat they are bringing. Those silly kittens!
This is the 3rd time I've tried to post this comment...I hope it displays this time! You don't let the cats walk all over your kitchen counter and table, I hope, especially if food and/or dishes are sitting out on it...The thought of eating out of a dish that a cat has licked gives me the creeps!
wow, that's all you can come up with?
i know the blogs about the kittens are pretty boring, but, no, our counters are way too cluttered with dirty dishes for the kittens to climb up on them.
i was just trying to see if I could leave a comment since you changed the blog...
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