This is another picture that we took using the built-in camera on Tammie's new lap top. We hope that she will look upon this one with more approving eyes.
On a different note, I just received the scores from the Praxis II French Content Knowledge test that I took a little over a month ago. This is a standardized test that is given to people who want to teach French. The Praxis II is given in most subject areas- if you want to teach at the high school level, you have to take this test in the subject matter you'd like to teach. It is necessary for certification, but simply passing it is not equal to being certified.
Anyway, I scored a 200 out of 200. But this will probably go unnoticed by anyone who has the power to give me a job teaching French.
Congratulations on your test, Laura! I doubt that score wil go unnoticed! I have my MFT Boards scheduled again for Jan. 22.
The new photo is great! I love those smiles!
How was your Christmas and your trip home? How did did your job interviews go John? Maybe need to answer this stuff in an e-mail....
200 out of 200 on the French Praxis II test is absolutely amazing. I was blown away when I received a 195 on it, because I wasn't sure I had done so well, immediately after the test session. When I had to give a verbal description of the scene in a drawing, I drew a blank on the words for "puddle" and "mud", so I thought I stumbled a bit, but I guess my circumlocution was good enough. Anyway, congratulations. I know your post is two years old, but that is still a score for the record books. WTG
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