I'm heading off to a conference at the University of Central Florida this Thursday. The conference is on Heresy, Blasphemy, and Freedom of Expression. These issues have received interest from folks interested in ethics and communication, given the issues raised by Muslim outrage over unflattering depictions of Muhammed.
In my paper, I argue (surprisingly perhaps for those who know me) that blasphemy should be taken seriously, but that it's not strictly concerned with the divine. For instance, Ward Churchill, the phony Native American UColorado professor blasphemed, I think, when he said that those in the WTC on Sept. 11, 2001 were 'little Eichmanns.' My argument for that claim is in the paper. Also, there's a succint overview of Thomas Aquinas's views on blasphemy, on which I draw. Anyway, here it is:
Blasphemy Paper