
ice in the river


Tammie's Thoughts said...

Wow, it's really been cold there! Mike Cope has another post on Jan. 15 that you might find interesting. Your homemmade pasta reminds me of a gift I bought for you at the Revel in Sheveport - a rolling pin that has grooves in it to cut homemade pasta with... I just forgot to give it to you, well, I thought I'd see you again at Christmas, but that's another story, so if I forget, remindme next time to give it to you!

Brett, April, Caden, Corban & Eden said...

this is the exact opposite of us, and we're jealous...

Artist-Tim said...

Let's ski the river!!! NOT!

Laura, I have done the painting of the KC "Market Lady" whom I photographed while you and mom waited impatiently in the coffee shop. I am entering it in the MGAL National Show next week. You can see a jpg image of it on my blog. I made up the sunflowers and the view through the large awning.

all about our milkshakes

My photo
we like to go the park, play, go to crema for treats, and to have fun.